Thursday, May 5, 2011


Tried to go for my usual run again this morning, had some major shin pain. Probably shin splits, I'm so impatient that I have a tendency to not adequately stretch before and after runs. I know it is SO important, but I really just forget. Due to said pain I ended up running only 2 miles and biking 3 to make up for it. That brings me to a total of 8 miles so far for the week. I'm going to try and do at least 15 miles a week from now on I think. That means if I run 5 days out of the 7 I'll at least do 3  miles each.

As much as I'm done with school, there's still some school drama going on, of course. That school just can't get rid of me! (No drama I'm directly involved in, let's just say I had to help a friend by using my influential Student Worker powers) Yesterday was an interesting day at work, but not worth blogging about at this point. Still nothing from the school I'm hoping will accept me. *le sigh* I haven't really publicized this blog to my family yet, mostly because I have nothing exciting to write about. Maybe I'll do that today.

Oh! If anyone is interested in a new, yummy, healthy breakfast food, I'm willing to share my addiction. Just please, don't buy all of the peach and strawberry flavors from my grocery store. Every morning I eat a Chobani Yogurt. As Resident Greek of this blog, I feel that I have the authority to comment on the absolute deliciousness of this product. It's healthy, gives me lots of protein for my run, and even Leopold enjoys it! Personally I really love the strawberry and peach flavors, with mango and black cherry at a close second. I have yet to find the vanilla in stores, but I plan on tracking it down at some point and giving it a go with some fresh fruit and granola mixed in. So if you see it in stores, consider tossing a couple in the cart. I recommend at least five..once you start it's hard to stop.

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