- Loss of fingernails: I have apparently chewed my fingernails so far down that even to type this blog entry is a painful endeavor.
- Insomnia: They could have changed my application status at 3 AM...right? Who knows? All of that slaving away at these applications must leave admissions counselors and program directors staying up all night.
- Obsession with mail trucks/mail carriers/ mailboxes: Medical experts have named this disorder "HEY THERE NEIGHBORHOOD MAIL CARRIER! WHATCHA GOT IN THERE!?!?....itis".Not to mention the anxious hours of 2:30-4:30. When you live in a high-rise it takes two hours for them to distribute the mail..especially if you live on the last few floors. My stomach turns, I distract myself by watching episode after episode of Weeds, making the journey downstairs a total of four times before I can admit that the mail people have finished distributing the mail for the day.
- Trembling at the sight of small, thin evelopes: Anywhere, doesn't matter if it's from Chase Bank. Maybe the school decided to become sponsored by the bank! Maybe they ran out of official envelopes! (The fact that I work in a college office and, in fact, mail acceptance letters in thin envelopes every semester does not make me feel any less anxious about them.)
- Excessive Sneezing- Ok, so this one might just be from my cat.
- Insistence on being near a computer and mailbox between the hours of 7 AM-7 PM on weekdays...self explanatory
- Emotional Highs and Lows- I start off every morning happy and excited, and by around 5 PM every day I realize I'm not going to get an answer. The effect is truly emotionally devastating.
- Sundays are a drag- To quote the famous Harry Potter "There's no post on Sundays " ("Right you are, Harry! No post on Sundays! Ha!"...) Not that this stops me from checking the mail at least twice anyway.
I know there are more ways in which this has manifested itself. How has the grad school application process messed you up? Please, share!
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