As soon as I can, I will be moving up to Madison to start my graduate program! Family and friends said they knew all along that I would get in, but I tend to tell myself the absolute worst is going to happen so that I'm less sad if it does, and relieved if it doesn't. Today I start (well, continue really, but it always feels like I'm just starting it) the arduous process of getting my apartment ready for a move. Things I will do in the next few weeks that I have never done before:
1) Clean an oven
2) Magic Eraser the scuff marks off of my walls
3) Move a cat who has adapted to his home
4) Discreetly pack up said cat's belongings without them being taken out and strewn across the apartment again. (My cat can open drawers, can yours?)
5) Cancel my electric and cable and internet (oh my!)
This is stuff added to the list of weird things I've already had to do, such as scrub really really really hard to somehow clean those stovetop drip pans that everyone things they've been cleaning regularly, but really hasn't. Or cleaning out a washing machine. Now that I'm done with school until the end of August, I can actually get this stuff done! A special thanks to Leopold, who woke me up an hour earlier than necessary to get a head start on cleaning; although he doesn't seem to keen on the idea of moving:
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